23 juni 2009

You Suck At Photoshop

You Suck At Photoshop is a series of online Photoshop tutorials. Instructor Donnie is a person with severe and chronic personal problems relating to his job, his relationships and disintegrating marriage, various legal problems, career and emotional problems, which tend to weave themselves into the narrative to dark comedic effect.


Klik hier voor de hele afspeellijst.
Klik hier voor mijn - tot nu toe - favoriete aflevering, waarin Donnie zijn frustraties over zijn scheiding omzet in een Photoshop-tutorial.

"And we're going to sample this from a lighter area, to clone it, you know, so you can get rid of this dirty liar ring. [...] This treacherous commitment band left behind shadows and dents that are going to be hard to lift off.."

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